Dear Students,
The concept of globalization has become a reality and the world has become a global village in true sense of the term. The advancements in the field of Information Technology and other computer applications have diminished the distances to unbelievable proportions. The availability of tremendous amount of information at a click of button has radically changed the perception of learners about education institutes, particularly the ones which cater technical education.
With the arrival of multinational enterprises in developing countries, the skilled manpower requirements in the organized industrial sector are being redefined. More stringent standards in technical education and training are being evolved. As a result a new breed of engineering professionals, from managers to shop floor workers trained as per the international norms will be the immediate need in coming years.
We, at the KLE believe that the C B Kore Polytechnic will contribute positively towards molding a new generation of technical professionals worthy of serving the industry in the emerging scenario and participate in the process of nation building.
It will be our endeavor to provide the best of infrastructural facilities matched by equally competent teaching faculty. I am confident that the right academic ambiance prevailing at the C B Kore Polytechnic will make learning a delightful experience for you.