Shri. Himanshu Chouhan
The aim of Diploma Course in Architecture Engineering at KLE Polytechnic, Chikodi is to train the individual for their outstanding career in global world towards the infrastructure development. “Housing is an important indicator of the level of country’s Social Progress. Besides food and clothing man’s next basic need is shelter. Shelter-he requires for protecting himself against natural Calamites. From the caves- his early abode – down to the modern sophisticated Air-conditioned houses today, shows mans progress and advances in various fields.”
This course enables to develop students in core competency areas of ,
- History of Architecture
- Materials Of Construction-I.
- Materials Of Construction-II.
- Architectural Graphics-I.
- Architectural Graphics-II.
- Visual Art And Drawing.
- Building Construction And Drawing-I
- Building Construction And Drawing-II.
- Architectural Drawing I and II.
- Visual Presentation.
- Presentation Technique.
- Interior Design.
- Model Making.
- Buldings Services I and II
- Estimation And Costing I and II
- Appropriate Construction Materials
- Proffesional Practise And Construction Management.
- Town Planning And LandScaping.
- Apprication Of Architecture.
This Programme also emphasizes on Information Search, Analysis and Presentation (ISAP), Project Design and Model Making. The various Co-curricular activities like Personality development programmes, Industrial visits, Expert guest lectures etc have been conducted through Automobile students association of the dept.
The students are also encouraged to participate in Technical Paper presentation competitions, Do it yourself Project Exhibitions conducted at different polytechnics through out the country to develop in each student: self-reliance, creativity and leadership qualities.
After completion of the course students have the options to continue their U.G education by taking the admission directly to 3rd semester.
Can practice with Consulting Engineers, Builders, Architects, Structural Engineers, Government & Semi – Government sectors.
Self employment, Register themselves as contractors, Valuers and Consulting Engineers.
Supporting Staff in various technical educational institutes.